Act 1 Act 2 Act 3 Act 4 Act 5
Progress Progress Progress Progress Progress
Fledgeling N/A N/A N/A N/A

H.C.O.L. (Game thing)

This is currently work in progress, check back later for more!


Want background music? Play me then!

Preview 1: Baby Steps

Things Accomplished: Basic character movement, draft sprites, tilesets, rooms, and audio.

Fun Fact: At some point I accidentally made two characters and made the game two player!

Preview 2: Minor Tweakings

Things Accomplished: Mildly fixed character sprites, altered tilesets, and different transition.

Fun Fact: Paper is made from trees!

Preview 3: Ditto

Things Accomplished: Slightly better character walking sprites, added new tilesets, an actual menu for once, and two different transitions with customizable settings.

Fun Fact: Something isn't right!

Preview 4: Music...ing.

Things Accomplished: Music.

Fun Fact: Your ears are getting slammed by funky waves in the air, that’s how you hear things!